Un événement

GDR Sécurité Informatique Region Centre Val de Loire

organisé par 

Le Laboratoire d'Informatique Fondamentale d'Orleans INSA Val de Loire
Claude Bauzou  1@  
1 : Idemia

PANACEA is an H2020 research funded project releted to cybersecurity in the hospital. It proposes a set of tools adressing

  • the technology, i.e. proposes new tools to reduce the vulnerability of the ICT components,
  • the people, i.e. helps people understanding how cyberattacks happen and how to behave,
  • the organization, i.e. helps management to make cybersecurity related decisions
  • The communication will explain the results of the project, include the demonstration of one of the tools, and propose some teaching topics in the cursus of medical doctors and other health professionals

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